Современные экологические требования к смазочным маслам
УДК: 665.6
Abbasov V.M., Abdullayev S.E., Hasanova R.Z., Gafarova N.F.
(Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Yu.G.Mammadaliyev NAS of Azerbaijan) E-mail: lab.21@mail.ru
Modern environmental requirements for lubricating oils
Keywords: lubricating oils, environmental requirements, Euro standards, sulfur and phosphorus, sulfate ash.
With each new environmental standard, the use of low-viscosity oils is increasing, helping to reduce fuel consumption.
Currently, there are recommendations for the use of Mid-Ash MidSAPS engine oils.
In the classification of motor oils (ACEA) there is a class «C», all categories of this oil are compatible with catalysts, universal for both gasoline and diesel engines of light vehicles.
In 2020, the IPCP of the Azerbaijan NAS carried out studies with financial support from the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Science Development Fund (Grant EİF-KETPL-2-2015-1(25)-56/26/4) high-quality oils with basic components were developed as if fully synthetic and semi-synthetic, with foreign additive packages, which are characterized by low sulfate ash content, low phosphorus content and TBN.
These oils have been tested in Germany at Forschungszentrum with positive results. It is concluded that these samples in the operational class correspond to the viscosity class CI-4 and CI-4 Plus in engines in which the requirements for soot formation are tightened. These oil samples satisfy the environmental requirements of the standards for Euro 4, 5 and 6 for sulfur, phosphorus and sulphated ash.
In the classification of motor oils by ACEA there is a class «C», all categories of which are compatible with catalysts, class “C” oils reduce fuel consumption by several percent.
1. https://mirsmazok.ru/motornye-masla/motornye_masla_standarta_euro_5/
2. https://reis.zr.ru/article/avtobaza/masla
3. http://diztoplivo-chelyabinsk.ru/dizelnoe-toplivo-evro-3-evro-4-evro-5/
4. https://www.truck.man.eu/ru/ru/man_welt_1/man_in_russia/press_and_media/press_detail-347200.html
5. Abbasov V.M., Abdullayev S.E., Yusifov Yu.H., Mamedov F.F., Abdullayev E.Sh., Hasanova R.Z., Abbasova A.F., Guliyeva V.M., Gafarova N.F. The results of laboratory testing of samples [Rezultaty laboratornogo testirovaniya obraztsov]. Neftegazovyye tekhnologii i analitika — Oil and gas technologies and analytics, 2018, no 7, pp. 63 65.