
DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-9-14   

УДК 65.011

Usmanov M. R. (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

E-mail: Rustem.Gimaletdinov@lukoil.com

Production Service Centers – A Priority Trend in the Development of the Russian Engineering Centers in the Oil and Gas Sector based on the Sustainable Development Concept

Производственные сервисные центры – приоритетное направление развития российских инжиниринговых центров в нефтегазовой отрасли на основе концепции устойчивого развития.

Keywords: production service center, engineering skills and competencies, engineer and consulting engineering, production asset lifecycle, continuous improvement system, innovation, knowledge management, sustainable development, strategic priorities, Leadership Manifesto

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the procedural basis and practical approach of Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC (hereinafter referred to as LINK) to the business model transformation: from a research and design complex to a production service which is to provide services throughout the life cycle of a production asset, as the main component of the continuous improvement system in order to fulfill strategic development priorities in the light of the present-day challenges and to achieve the goals of the Refining Business Leadership Manifesto.

The paper provides examples of the production service centers management at international oil and gas companies, describes the functionality and services provided within the framework of engineer consulting engineering, and also identifies the nearest prospects for the development of LINK, based on the sustainable development concept.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-15-17   

УДК 65.011

E. A. Kalinenko (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Process service centers as an element of decarbonization strategy of the company

Роль ПСЦ в развитии стратегии декарбонизации Компании

Abstract.This article analyses the relevance of ESG/sustainable development topics for the Russian oil and gas sector, reviews decarbonization strategies of international companies and LUKOIL, accentuates the role of production & service centers (using the example of LINK) in implementation of innovative projects. Authors discuss the advantages, opportunities created by integrating technological, digital, and R&D activities within a single platform. The presented organizational structure of the PSC will enable more efficient development of cooperation, development of methodologies and implementation of best practices at LUKOIL enterprises.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-18-22   

УДК 66-5

S. F. Valeev, S. A. Chirskov, M. D. Pegeev (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Setting the combustion mode in the refinery steam reforming unit furnaces along with the coiled pipe infrared imager control

Настройка режима горения в печах установок парового риформинга нефтеперерабатывающих предприятий совместно с тепловизионным контролем змеевиков

Keywords: refinery furnaces, steam reforming furnaces, infrared imager control, infrared flame imager, the maximum temperature of the coil wall, maintenance and adjustment work, deposits on the outer surface of the coiled pipes, the service life of the process furnace, improving the reliability of equipment.

Abstract. Presently, within the framework of solving the problem of improving production efficiency, the efforts of oil refineries are aimed at increasing the turnaround periods of process units. One of the effort ways to increase the turnaround periods is to increase the reliability of the process furnaces.

With a view to increase the service life of the refinery process unit furnace coiled pipes and, accordingly, to increase the safety of the technological process, as well as to reduce the cost of the coiled pipe recovery, a number of works were carried out to inspect and adjust the combustion mode in the process furnaces using an infrared flame imager. Based on the results of the work performed, a method for eliminating overheating of the steam reforming furnace coiled pipes was developed. The use of this technique allows maintaining the temperature of the coiled pipes within the standard values, increase the service life and increase the reliability of process furnaces.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-23-27   

УДК 65.011.46

M.V. Grosul, A.V. Firsov (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

The role of engineering centers in the continuous improvement system development at the oil and gas industry companies

Роль инжиниринговых центров в развитии систем непрерывных улучшений в компаниях нефтегазового сектора

Keywords: production service centers, engineering, continuous improvement system, knowledge management, intellectual capital, vertically integrated oil and gas companies, LUKOIL Group.

Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to determine the role of production service centers (PSC) in the implementation of the continuous improvements development strategies (CIS) at the oil and gas industry companies. The authors review the experience of CIS implementing by the world’s leading oil and gas companies: ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, Equinor, Total, Eni, Gazprom Neft and LUKOIL.

Within the framework of this study, the role of the PSC in the continuous improvement management system at vertically integrated oil and gas companies (VIOCs) is reviewed. The paper provides an overview of international practices for the effective involvement of PSCs in the management of the continuous improvement systems, their goals and objectives, their place and role in the VIOC management system.

Based on the example of LINK LLC, the authors show the role of the PSCs in the implementation of the VIOC strategies in the processing sector of the LUKOIL Group. The presented analytical information contains the open source details and can be used to assess the importance of production service centers in improving the business efficiency of vertically integrated oil and gas companies.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-28-34  

УДК 65.011.46

M.R. Usmanov, M.V. Grosul, A.V. Firsov (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

The continuous improvement system effectiveness monitoring methods

Методика мониторинга результативности системы непрерывных улучшений

Keywords: continuous improvement system (CIS), process improvement, evaluation methods, performance indicators, lean production, LUKOIL.

Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to present methods for evaluation of the continuous improvement system (CIS) indicators within the organization during implementation, development and improvement. The approach proposed by the authors is aimed at measuring the effectiveness and sufficiency of activities during the CIS functioning. The material of the paper will be of interest to top managers, heads of HR services, specialists in the implementation of lean production tools, managers and specialists of business optimization departments, as well as to those who initiate and implement changes in the organization, who audit changes.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-35-39   

УДК 65.011

R. D. Balashov (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Implementation of “PRORYV” project for complex improvement of refineries efficiency

Реализация проектов «Прорыв» по комплексному повышению эффективности перерабатывающих заводов

Keywords: production optimization, profitability, refinery, competence center

Abstract. This article describes the necessary methods and tips for success in the implementation of wide refinery optimization Projects. It is achieved by combining three factors: properly selected professional team, methodology and wide range of improvement tools.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-40-43  

УДК 65.011

R. G. Ibulyev (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

LUKOIL Group Oil Refining Facilities Production Activity Planning System Improvement

Совершенствование системы планирования производственной деятельности нефтеперерабатывающих предприятий Группы ЛУКОЙЛ

Keywords: Mathematical modeling, optimization planning, calendar planning, linear programming (LP)

Abstract. The paper reviews the issue of the economic and mathematical method application, in particular, the planning systems based on linear programming in improving the efficiency of the enterprise management. The complexity of the task of optimizing the production program of oil refining and petrochemical companies, the solution of which requires taking into account many factors, is noted. A list of LP model improvements at LUKOIL Group refining facilities is provided. The promising trends of corporate linear programming tools implementation are described.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-44-47   

УДК 66-5

E. N. Levchenko (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Machine learning as a tool for optimization of technological processes

Машинное обучение как инструмент оптимизации технологических процессов

Keywords: artificial intelligence, oil refining, machine learning, optimization of technological processes.

Abstract. The article discusses the problem of creating an optimization model of a technological process based on machine learning using the example of experience based on the H-Oil installation. The author showed the main approaches to such a model implementation, the architecture of the solution, and assessed the economic effect of such approaches.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-48-51  

УДК 65.012

E. N. Levchenko, R. R. Ramazanov (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Digital information model as the basis for digital transformation of the enterprise

Цифровая информационная модель как основа цифровой трансформации предприятия

Keywords: Digitization, digital transformation, digital information model, DIM, BIM, information model, 3D, three-dimensional modeling, information system, information technology, information, data, data integration, oil refinery.

Abstract. The goal of this article is to show the relevance and applicability of using BIM in the implementation of enterprise digital transformation projects. The main idea is to use an advanced approach in information management to improve the quality and speed of implementation of enterprise digital projects. Relevance of the topic: Digitalization is actively developing all over the world. As a result, the issues of applying advanced technologies in the production activities of already operated facilities, reducing the operating activities of enterprises, as well as more accurate performance of work related to capital repairs of enterprises, are becoming more and more urgent. At the same time, the topic is relevant not only for PJSC LUKOIL, but also for other industrial enterprises.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-52-54   

УДК 66-5

S. F. Valeev, M. I. Bodyakshin, E. I. Kopalidi (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) E-mail: Mihail.Bodyakshin@lukoil.com

Shutoff and control valves airtightness test of the shutoff member through the ultrasonic testing method under continuous production processes

Диагностика запорно-регулирующей арматуры на герметичность запорного органа ультразвуковым методом контроля в условиях безостановочного технологического процесса

Keywords: Refinery furnaces, steam reforming furnaces, infrared imager control, infrared flame imager, the maximum temperature of the coil wall, maintenance and adjustment work, deposits on the outer surface of the coiled pipes, the service life of the process furnance, improving the reliability of equipment.

Abstract. Presently, within the framework of solving the problem of improving production efficiency, the efforts of oil refineries are aimed at increasing the turnaround periods of process units. One of the effort ways to increase the turnaround periods is to increase the reliability of the process furnaces. With a view to increase the service life of the Refinery process unit furnace coiled pipes and, accordingly, to increase the safety of the technological process, as well as to reduce the cost of the coiled pipe recovery, a number of works were carried out to inspect and adjust the combustion mode in the process furnaces using an infrared flame imager. Based on the results of the work performed, a method for eliminating overheating of the steam reforming furnace coiled pipes was developed. The use of this technique allows maintaining the temperature of the coiled pipes within the standard values, increase the service life and increase the reliability of process furnaces.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-55-61  

УДК 665.6/.7

S. F. Valeev, F. R. Zainullov, A. V. Sulimov, M. V. Zheleznov. (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Application of thermal destruction processes for recycling of polymer waste

Применение процессов термической деструкции для переработки полимерных отходов

Keywords: polymer waste, recycling, thermolysis, ecology, petroleum refining.

Abstract. A comprehensive study of thermal destruction of household and industrial polymeric materials wastes by the thermolysis method was carried out on the pilot plant. A mixture containing polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate was considered as household polymeric waste. Individual industrial waste was represented by polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene. The influence of the composition of polymer waste, the temperature of the thermolysis process on the yield of gaseous and liquid products has been studied. A detailed analysis of the resulting products was carried out, their qualitative and quantitative composition was investigated. It was found that the change in temperature, duration of thermal processing, as well as the nature of polymer waste, allows us to control the composition and quality of the resulting products. The negative role of processing additives at the stage of polymer recycling is noted. It is shown that the thermolysis process is an effective tool for recycling polymer waste.


DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-1-1-62-64  

УДК 65.011

A. G. Sychev, A. I. Artemov (Lukoil-Engineering Skills and Competencies LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Capital repair support

Сопровождение проведения капитальных ремонтов

Keywords: turnaround, supervising, calendar activity schedule

Abstract. The paper describes the methods of support for refinery turnarounds, using such management and control tools as a calendar activity scheduling and supervision of the repair process directly at the production site, noting the efficiency of the measures implemented and the results of the application of the acquired competencies for optimizing the process and improving the turnaround efficiency. Supervision means control over compliance with the correct fulfillment of the complete list of process operations during any types of repairing and construction work.