УДК 665.761 + 661.66
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2020-0-04-36-39
Nanosized additives in lubricant
Basakina T.V., Bartko R.V., Antonov S.A., Krizhevskaya E.T., Danilov A.M
(LLC RN-StroyKontro1, JSC «All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Refining» (JSC «VNII NP», Moscow)
Keywords: nanoscale additives, graphene, dispersions
The options for adding nanoscale additives in lubricants: oils, greases and composite materials are considered. The effect of increasing the antiwear properties of lubricants with additives is noted, which consists in modifying the surface and reducing friction coefficients. However, each additive has its own limited conditions, and it often requires the development of methods for dispersing and appending nanoparticles into a lubricant.
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